
This is our fifth stop...
The main hospital reception is the next
suite of buildings along the line from "The Centre"...
This clearly ISN'T the main
entrance to reception however!
Much of this area was partially demolished
before the bats intervened...
Much of this part of the hospital has only
one floor, this part being the exception...
What an interesting colour!
The ceiling looks a bit dodgy!
A bit of a pointer to it being
a reception area...
Secure access...
There's nothing like stating
the obvious!
This room doesn't look too
There's even a few intact panes
of glass!
And then things go down hill
once more...
Wet floors, peeling paper,
abject dereliction...
Clearly the place where power
Staff access? It's a bit narrow
for the public...
Look just left of centre at the
brown "blob" on the wall...
It's a winding handle...
That opens the skylight
I wonder where Sylvia is now?
Not here, that's for sure!
The bus stop is in better nick
than most of the hospital!